Stirling Broadcast Direct Sales

Sales can be direct or via eBay, utilizing their Global Shipping program.

A link to the Ebay shop is provided below. However, note that not all of our available stock is listed in the eBay shop, but it is instead represented in a shared folder structure, described in the Inventory section below.

If you wish to purchase via eBay but the model/veneer that you require is not listed then please email us at to request the model/veneer that you require. If there is currrent stock then a BIN listing will be created and a link provided.

If you wish to purchase direct then please send an email to to enquire whether the model/veneer that you require is in stock, including your shipping address and contact details (mobile phone number). On confirmation of availability an invoice will be returned and payment should be made via direct bank transfer to the bank details provided with the invoice.


Stirling Broadcast will be closing down once the current stock levels of complete loudspeakers have been sold, and no new loudspeaker manufacture will be undertaken. Our loudspeakers are therefore provided with a 1 year warranty, instead of the previous 5, to avoid committing the company to remain in operation. However current stock levels of loudspeaker components (drive units and crossover but not cabinets) will allow the servicing of any issues discovered beyond the warranty period.  


Due to the reduced warranty period and the more direct sales model, our loudspeakers are being offered at prices that are significantly lower than they were previously available for. This positions them attractively against our competitors products and allows for additional enhancements such as subwoofer installations to be brought into budget.

However stock at these prices are necessarily limited and no new loudspeaker production is being undertaken.   

Note that direct sales attract a 7% discount over the below prices.

LS3/6 :

£2625 ex-VAT, £3150 inclusive of VAT*

SB88 : 

£1750.00 ex-VAT, £2100 inclusive of VAT*

LS3/5a V3 : 

£1208.33 ex-VAT, £1450 inclusive of VAT*

LS3/5a V2 :

£916.66 ex-VAT, £1100 inclusive of VAT*

AB-2 :

£583.33 ex-VAT, £700 inclusive of VAT*

* VAT applies only to UK sales and that the prices shown are for standard veneers (Walnut, Cherry, Rosewood), with special veneers (Ebony Tiger Stripe, Rosewood Special, Zebrano, Wild Oak) priced 10% higher.
Go to for up to date conversion amounts.


The link below goes to a shared folder structure that indicates the remaining stock levels of each type of loudspeaker, with the number available of each veneer available indicated in the folder name. 

Loudspeakers that have passed through QA and that are ready for sale are listed at the final level, in a folder named with the serial number of the loudspeaker. If a particular loudspeaker is required then email to request that it is reserved for you.

Note that it is planned to convert the existing V2 LS3/5as to the V3 version at a future date, so the V2 stock will reduce and the V3 stock will increase. 

The shared drive can be found at this location :

Please note that there are a few of LS3/5as that are reserved for sale with their matching AB-2s, namely the Zebrano V3,  the Zebrano V2 and the Ebony Tiger Stripe V3. In addition a number of the rosewood and cherry LS3/5as will also be sold with matching AB-2s. The bundle will attract a discount, please email for details.


In the normal course of operation the dispatch of items purchased will occur on the same day every week, which will normally be Thursday. Items sold will only be included in this dispatch if there has been time to book a collection, which implies that sales from our Ebay shop late on a Wednesday will likely not be included and will instead be included in the dispatch of the following Thursday.


Our Ebay shop can be found here :

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